
  • A struggling fashion designer takes on a job working as a personal shopper for a successful erotic novelis…
  • “克隆人技术”一出即刻引起全社会关于伦理、道德的讨论,然而也有一帮人开始密谋如何偷得这一先进技术进行圈钱,…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>Aspiring actress, Kia Anderson, is about to learn that the final callback fo…
  • Aden 1965. This is the story of a British army unit fighting a Yemeni insurgency in the Middle East and th…
  • 一名年轻女孩在大城市失踪了,神父於是铤而走险,找上恶魔猎人和他龙蛇混杂的手下帮忙,执行一项超自然的寻人任务…
  • A fallen priest, a legendary demon hunter, and a modern day superhero join forces to battle evil.
  • A Mexican boy smuggles himself to Brooklyn to meet his long-lost father - only to have his identity stolen…
  • 慎点!为了要将召唤来的恶灵送回阴间,这一家人必须去面对他们内心最恐惧的事物,古老的碟仙板将再次召唤出恶灵。
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